
  • Rahmatilla Tojiev

Ключевые слова:

коммерческие банки, ликвидность, внутренние и внешние фак- торы, факторы, банковский сектор, управление, активы, пассивы, кредит, commercial banks, liquidity, internal and external factors, factors, banking sector, management, assets, liabilities, credit.


В статье рассматриваются факторы, влияющие на ликвидность
коммерческих банков. Ликвидность банка зависит как от внутренних, так и от
внешних факторов, например, от уровня развития рыночных отношений в различных
сегментах экономики, от деятельности Центрального банка. Также рациональное
распределение ресурсов с точки зрения прибыльности положительно сказывается
на финансовой устойчивости банков, в частности, на ликвидности. В то время как
низкое качество кредитов, выдаваемых банками, увеличение объема проблемных
кредитов отрицательно сказывается на ликвидности банков. В свою очередь, это
It is known that the activities of commercial
banks are mainly focused on making a
profit. At the same time, the banking sector
performs a number of important functions:
lending and supporting population and
enterprises, stimulating the accumulation of
funds in the national economy, encouraging
intermediation in payments, transfers and
financial transactions, and efficient allocation
of investment resources. As the emergence
of complex situations in the banking sector
has a negative impact on the overall state
of the economy, it should not be allowed
to occur.
The function of introducing modern
principles and mechanisms regulating banking
activities, elimination of obstacles to their
effective operation have been recorded in
the state program on implementation of the
Decree of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan N 4947 from February 7, 2017
«On the Strategy of further development of
the Republic of Uzbekistan». At the same
time, in order to support the banking system
of the Republic in the context of the pandemic,
the Central Bank’s liquidity regulation
operations were carried out primarily by
providing the necessary liquidity to commercial
Therefore, the liquidity of a commercial
bank serves as one of the main quality indicators
of banking activity, which determines its
reliability and stability, and serves as a
basis for the credit and banking sector in the
Researchers differ on the factors that affect
the liquidity of commercial banks.
According to Zavyalova E.N., many
factors affect the liquidity and solvency of
a commercial bank, as well as its activities
in general, so in order to identify emerging
negative liquidity trends, the bank’s financial
analysts need to identify the main factors
that led to these trends. She emphasizes the
importance of analyzing the impact of factors
and developing recommendations to change
banking policy in order to prevent negative
consequences [2].
In the research of Rashidov T.M. the main
features, factors and types of liquidity of a
commercial bank, the economic significance
of the concept under study, the relationship
between liquidity indicators, profitability and
solvency, the recommendations of the Basel
Committee were analysed, the importance of
commercial bank liquidity management was
discussed [3].
Shyam Bhati, Anura De Zoysa, Wisuttorn
Jitaree have considered the long-term effects
of various regulatory, banking-specific
and macroeconomic factors on liquidity
determination in Indian banks. To this end, in
the the authors’ study a regression model in
the random effects panel was used and data
from Indian banks for 21 years, covering the
period from 1996 to 2016 was tested with it.
This model examines the impact of regulatory
factors, the ratio of cash reserves, and liquidity
ratios, noting that Indian banks rely more on
asset-based liquidity and less on liability-based
liquidity [4].
свидетельствует об определенных недостатках кредитной политики банка.
При управлении ликвидностью коммерческого банка целесообразно принимать эф-
фективные меры по устранению их негативных последствий, делая их объектом
постоянного мониторинга.

Библиографические ссылки

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Shaturaev, J. N., & Jumaev, H. S. (2019). Small Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(11), 303-307.

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Shaturaev, J. (2021). A Comparative Analysis of Public Education System of Indonesia and Uzbekistan. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, 14 (Special Issue (5)), 89–92.

Shaturaev, J., Iroda, J., Gulnoza, I., & Madina, R. (2020). Exploration Effects of Handwriting on Children’S Writing Progress. International Journal of Advanced Research, 8(9), 369-376.

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Шатураев, Ж. Н., & Бекимбетова, Г. М. (2021). THE MAIN INDICATOR OF EFFICIENCY OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS-CALCULATION OF NET CURRENT VALUE. The Scientific Heritage, 3 (77), 14–21.

Shaturaev, J. (2021). A REVIEW OF NATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM OF INDONESIA AND UZBEKISTAN: Manuscript Info Abstract Introduction:-ISSN: 2320-5407. International Journal of Advanced Research, 9(02), 461-474.

Shaturaev, J. (2021). INDIGENT CONDITION IN EDUCATION AND LOW ACADEMIC OUTCOMES IN PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM OF INDONESIA AND UZBEKISTAN . Архив научных исследований, 1(1). извлечено от http://journal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/247

Shaturaev, J. (2021). УЧЕБНЫЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ, ФИНАНСИРОВАНИЕ И РЕФОРМЫ В НАЧАЛЬНОЙ ШКОЛЕ ИНДОНЕЗИИ И УЗБЕКИСТАНА. Архив научных исследований, 1(1). извлечено от http://journal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/240

Shaturaev, J. (2021). INDONESIA: SUPERIOR POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT FOR BETTER EDUCATION (Community development through Education). Архив научных исследований, 1(1). извлечено от http://journal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/242

Бекимбетова Г.М., & Шатураев Ж.Н. (2021). ОСНОВНОЙ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЬ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ИНВЕСТИЦИОННЫХ ПРОЕКТОВ РАСЧЕТ ЧИСТОЙ ТЕКУЩЕЙ СТОИМОСТИ. The Scientific Heritage, (77-3), 14-21. doi: 10.24412/9215-0365-2021-77-3-14-21



Как цитировать

Tojiev, R. (2021). ВОПРОСЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЛИКВИДНОСТЬЮ КОММЕРЧЕСКИХ БАНКОВ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ. Архив научных исследований, 2(1). извлечено от https://journal.tsue.uz/index.php/archive/article/view/276