Sabirova Dildor Arifovna

Sabirova Dildor Arifovna


  • Rashidov Mels Karimovich
  • Toshimov Shahzod Burxon oʻgʻli

Ключевые слова:

region, free economic zone, natural and geographical location, favorable investment climate, investment volume, foreign investor, infrastructure


The article discusses the processes of the digital economy of Free Economic Zones and small
industrial zones in the regions. The importance of identifying and analyzing experiments related to
this process and indications for their conduct was mentioned. The necessity of creating a long-term
plan for each free economic zone, taking into account its regional aspects in the conditions of
digital economy factors, is emphasized.

Библиографические ссылки

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4853 dated 10.26.2016 «On

additional measures to activate and expand the activities of free economic zones».

Report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev at the meeting

dedicated to «Analysis of the effectiveness of the work carried out on the development of free

economic zones and small industrial zones in our country» on October 9, 2017.

Mels Rashidov «O‘zbekiston mintaqalarida erkin iqtisodiy zonalar faoliyatini

takomillashtirish» monograph Navoi, 2022.

Rashidov M. Эркин иқтисодий зоналарни ривожлантиришнинг жаҳон тажрибаси

//Iqtisodiyot va innovatsion texnologiyalar. – 2018. – №. 5. – С. 126-140.

Rashidov M. K. The urgency of improving the functioning of free economic zones in the

regions //Экономика: анализы и прогнозы. – 2021. – №. 2. – С. 13-21.

Рашидов М. К. Эркин иқтисодий зоналар самарадорлигини баҳолаш мезонлари

таҳлили// “Iqtisodiyot va innovatsion texnologiyalar” ilmiy elektron jurnali.-2022.-№4.-С.84.

Рашидов М. К. Минтақаларда эркин иқтисодий зоналар фаолиятини

такомиллаштиришнинг долзарблиги //Архив научных исследований. – 2022. – Т. 2. – №. 1.

Рашидов М. К. Эркин иқтисодий зоналар самарадорлигини баҳолаш мезонлари

//Экономика и финансы (Узбекистан). – 2012. – №. 12. – С. 29-32.;;



Как цитировать

Rashidov Mels Karimovich, & Toshimov Shahzod Burxon oʻgʻli. (2022). Sabirova Dildor Arifovna. Архив научных исследований, 5(5). извлечено от


