Innovative aspects of reforming higher education in a new stage of development of Uzbekistan

Innovative aspects of reforming higher education in a new stage of development of Uzbekistan


  • Nazar Xakimovich a:1:{s:5:"ru_RU";s:40:"Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti";}


The authors of the article investigated the innovative aspects of reforming higher
education in a new stage of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article emphasizes
the role of the process of training competitive specialists in the successful implementation of
democratic reforms and the development of civil society. The authors of the article made an
attempt to reveal the mission of higher education in society, the tasks of universities in
training qualified personnel for bachelors and masters and the importance of specialists for
the socio-economic structures of the country in the process of deepening the market economy.
In the context of the country's modernization, highly qualified personnel perform an
important mission in the process of socio-economic policy, ensuring the improvement of the
quality of products and the country's entry into international communities. University
graduates carry out a social mission in implementing democratic reforms, ensuring human
rights, and educating the younger generation in society. A modern bachelor and master makes
a significant contribution to the digitalization of economic and social structures, the
development of small business and entrepreneurship, and the financial banking system.
Young personnel are actively involved in strengthening and further development of private
enterprises. An integrated approach to the work of higher educational institutions shows that
this work is closely related to the democratic reforms carried out in the country in a new stage
of development of society. Improving the quality of training of specialists and the international ranking of universities has a potential impact on attracting talented young people to study. As
a result, young people are getting involved in higher education, worthy of qualifications in
their future specialty. Measures are being taken to create equal conditions for talented youth,
for admission to universities. Universities are a forge of personnel for modern innovative
management, aimed at providing leadership in the sectors of the socio-economic complex, in
the context of globalization and increased competition. The researchers note that it is
necessary to ensure the active participation of the teaching staff, to use new pedagogical
technologies in the preparation of modern competitive personnel. Improving the educational
process in higher educational institutions requires the recruitment of highly qualified teaching
staff with academic degrees and work experience in production. At the same time, training
young personnel, graduates of the magistracy, in their further admission to doctoral studies.
Universities have the opportunity to help young teachers defend their dissertations by
enrolling them as independent applicants. An innovative method in improving the
qualifications of the teaching staff is to send them to foreign universities and research centers
in developed countries. At the same time, measures are being taken to optimize the work of
teacher training institutes. This work is accompanied by strengthening the staff of advanced
training institutes, inviting to lectures, conducting master classes of leading scientists,
including from foreign universities. In order to familiarize students and teachers, scientific
seminars are held with the participation of representatives of government agencies, economic
structures, and non-governmental organizations. The article concludes that an important
innovative aspect in reforming modern higher education in Uzbekistan is the need to further
modernize the educational process, to increase the exchange of teachers from foreign
universities. Ensure the conduct of active research work, publication of the results of research
work in international indexed journals, expansion of international relations, regular
encouragement of the results of work of teachers, doctoral students and staff.
Keywords: higher education; competitive personnel; reform; new stage of development;
university; teacher; innovation; scientific work.



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How to Cite

Xakimovich, N. (2022). Innovative aspects of reforming higher education in a new stage of development of Uzbekistan. Архив научных исследований, 1(1). Retrieved from


