Non-State Education in Uzbekistan: Formation and Development Prospects

Non-State Education in Uzbekistan: Formation and Development Prospects


  • Nazar Xakimovich a:1:{s:5:"ru_RU";s:40:"Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti";}


Non-state education, Frames, Reform, New stage of Development, Innovation, Private schools, International relations


The author of the article investigated the innovative aspects of the formation of non-state education in a new stage of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article emphasizes the role of non-state education in the successful implementation of democratic reforms and the development of civil society. The author of the article made an attempt to reveal the mission of non-state education in society, the tasks of preschool institutions, secondary schools, in the upbringing of the younger generation. The formation of private schools and an increase in the number of specialized schools where individual subjects are studied according to an in-depth program has become a form of an innovative approach in the process of improving non-state school education and teaching children. In the context of the development of civil society, highly qualified teaching staff working in private schools fulfill an important mission in the process of social policy, ensuring the improvement of the quality of the non-state educational process in schools, including increasing the number of students participating in international Olympiads. Graduates of non-state secondary schools carry out a social mission in the implementation of democratic reforms, in ensuring human rights. A modern graduate of a non-state secondary school is a powerful intellectual potential for the country, they make a worthy contribution to the future, the process of digitalization of society, the development of small business and private entrepreneurship. The paper investigates the role of non-state higher educational institutions and the importance of highly qualified personnel in the process of modernizing society. An integrated approach to work in the non-state education system shows that this work is closely related to the democratic reforms carried out in the country in the context of the deepening of the market mechanism in all spheres of socio-economic life. Improving the quality of the educational process in non-state educational institutions has a potential impact on attracting talented young people to study at universities, technical schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges. In the process of non-state school and higher education, pupils and students are introduced to the knowledge necessary for the whole life of every person, which is considered a reference point for determining the future. The country has created equal conditions for admission to higher educational institutions for graduates of non-state secondary schools.


Nasiba Allanazarovna, [29.04.2022 10:46]


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How to Cite

Xakimovich, N. (2022). Non-State Education in Uzbekistan: Formation and Development Prospects. Архив научных исследований, 4(1). Retrieved from