Innovative aspects of reforming higher education in a new stage of development of Uzbekistan

Innovative aspects of reforming higher education in a new stage of development of Uzbekistan


  • Gulnora Jamalova a:1:{s:5:"ru_RU";s:40:"Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti";}


higher education; competitive personnel; reform; new stage of development; university; teacher; innovation; scientific work.


The authors of the article investigated the innovative aspects of reforming higher
education in a new stage of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article emphasizes
the role of the process of training competitive specialists in the successful implementation of
democratic reforms and the development of civil society. The authors of the article made an
attempt to reveal the mission of higher education in society, the tasks of universities in
training qualified personnel for bachelors and masters and the importance of specialists for
the socio-economic structures of the country in the process of deepening the market economy.
In the context of the country's modernization, highly qualified personnel perform an
important mission in the process of socio-economic policy, ensuring the improvement of the
quality of products and the country's entry into international communities. University
graduates carry out a social mission in implementing democratic reforms, ensuring human
rights, and educating the younger generation in society. A modern bachelor and master makes
a significant contribution to the digitalization of economic and social structures, the
development of small business and entrepreneurship, and the financial banking system.
Young personnel are actively involved in strengthening and further development of private
enterprises. An integrated approach to the work of higher educational institutions shows that
this work is closely related to the democratic reforms carried out in the country in a new stage
of development of society. Improving the quality of training of specialists and the international



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How to Cite

Jamalova, G. (2022). Innovative aspects of reforming higher education in a new stage of development of Uzbekistan. Архив научных исследований, 4(1). Retrieved from